
All magnetoelastic effects have an inverse – when a strain is applied to a magnetostrictive material there is a magnetic effect just as when a magnet field is applied there is a strain induced. 

The ‘Vibe’ project came about as a side project at MagCanica, Inc., as Ivan Garshelis and Ryan Kari were pondering what was the inverse of a magnetoelastic force transducer invented by Garshelis and published into the Journal of Applied Physics. As described, when a bending moment is applied to a circumferentially magnetized tube, a change in the measureable magnetic field can be detected outside of the shaft. The question was then asked, “what effect is then described by applying a magnetization to a tube that is acted upon by a bending moment, and in particular a circumferential magnetization such as that produced by electrical current conducted through a wire?” The literature on the subject was sparse, and the closest Garshelis and Kari were able to find was the Guillemin effect, such as that described in Wikipedia.

As can be noted by the two sentence description in Wikipedia (as of March 2020), there isn’t much information available on this effect.  This led us to find the original publication in Comptes Rendus published by Guillemin in the year 1846. An image of the publication as found in an archive is shown below:

A. Guillemin , Compte rend., 22, p.264 and 432 (Note 2 articles in same volume), 1846

Based on the translation of Comptes Rendus, Guillemin noted that an axial magnetization applied to a beam undergoing a bending moment resulted in the beam tending to deflect, which he credited to the elastic strength increasing. The next explorations found in the literature was that by Williams Samuel Robinson as described in Magnetic Phenomena in 1931. Following that, there was no further description of what might happen with a circumferential field found in the literature. This led Garshelis and Kari to make an experimental setup exploiting the resonance frequency of a beam to explore the effect. This was first published as a poster in January 2016 at the MMM-Intermag Conference in San Diego, and then as a longer length paper in IEEE Intermag in February 2017. Please contact us if you would like a copy of the paper and do not have access to it. The introduction begins as follows:

I. Introduction

In 1846, four years after Joule [1] reported his discovery of linear magnetostriction, and one year before Joule’s [2] elaboration of his first work, Guillemin [3] reported on his discovery that the elastic strength (“la force elastique”) of a soft iron bar was augmented by its longitudinal magnetization. His observed manifestation of this phenomenon was the rising of the free end of a 1 cm diameter, “20 or 30 cm” long iron bar (configured as a cantilever beam) to which a weight was attached (the other end being fixed), when an electrical current from a battery was passed through an insulated solenoid wound directly on the bar. He noted that the weighted end repeatedly rose when current flowed and fell when it ceased. Although this paper [3] is now acknowledged as the discovery of the “ ΔE effect” [4], [5], in earlier times [6] it was cited as the “Guillemin effect.”